Monday, June 28, 2010

You know it's summertime when...

1. when you lose track of what day of the week it is
2. when you are burnt to a crisp, but continue to go out in the sun
3. when you can shave your legs everyday and not get razor burn ha!
4. when your hair color has been bleached by the sun
5. when you can sleep in and it doesn't matter
6. when you can get a peach and it is melt in your mouth good
7. when you can climb a mountain and the slightly cooler air there is still not cold
8. when you can stop at a stream and play in the water
9. when you can wear tank tops every day
10. when you can go with no make up since the sun has given you a natural foundation!!
besides in this heat you'd just sweat it off anyway ha!

Hope you are enjoying your summer so far. We certainly are!!

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