Thursday, October 18, 2012

So proud of my Children

It's report card time. My girl made the AB honor roll. WOOHOO!!  My boy got mostly 3s with an occasional 2 for things like, listens without interrupting or distracting others. ha!  and displays self control in voice and action. double ha!! Sometimes he gets excited, like when he wants you to know a tornado is a vortex. (he had to flip a card for yelling that one out.)

One of the things Rebecca had for her conference was a paper she had to write about someone important.  She chose me. bless her heart.

You know how sometimes you wonder if your kids understand how much you love them, and you know they don't, but you hope they get it just a little bit.  I learned she gets it.

I don't remember it exactly, but it was something like

I love her. Do lots of things for her. love her even when she is bad. Tuck her into bed every night. There were other things I can't remember, but multiple times in her paragraph she said, my mommy loves me.

I'm surprised I didn't cry at the conference. sheesh.

So this morning was all about the hair.

rebecca wanted buns on the side of her head. 

Ryan was trying to get the 50s swoop down just right. He worked for about 20 minutes on it.

love them so so much

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