Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Because we all like to save money

I have a son who has no sense of how much shampoo/bodywash to use. He often smells like he used half the bottle, and as fast was we go through it, I think he might. Enter the handsoap pump.

It occurred to me that we only use one pump of soap for our hands, and that perhaps if Ryan had his bodywash and shampoo in a bottle with a pump he wouldn't use as much. Turns out I was right. I rinsed out the bottle from the bathroom sink since it was all but empty anyway, filled it with his soap, and told him "one pump on your puff" He gets plenty of bubbles, and it makes it go so much farther. Kroger had a sale on their soaps for $1 a bottle, so I bought enough to transfer shampoo and conditioner for Rebecca into them too. We are using the hand soap up first because it is a different scent than the big refill one I have, but it won't be long as we are avid hand washers that I will have enough empty bottles for all the kids shampoos/bodywashes.  Not sure why I didn't think of this before, like the time Ryan used an entire bottle of shampoo in the shower because bubbles are fun. =)

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