Friday, December 2, 2011

An extended menu plan

So I normally go to the grocery on Fridays, but honestly there isn't much we need, and I spent money getting ready for Christmas and Ryan's birthday (we are partying tomorrow). So I'll probably compile a list etc and go the first of the week, or Sunday night if there are deals I don't want to miss out on. That however is not why I am writing this post. I wrote down a rough menu plan for now til Christmas. In no particular order because I'm not ready to completely commit to the specific day on these, they are main dish only, and weekends are not included because there are always leftovers, and food from grandma's on Sundays, but here we go.

Black bean chili
mini pizzas on english muffins
chicken sandwiches
beef vegetable soup
chicken and biscuits
baked turkey
hot turkey sandwiches
grilled ham and cheese
turkey and noodles
split pea and ham soup
sloppy joes
bbq squirrel
taco night
beef and noodles
white chicken chili
taco soup
crockpot pizza
pork chops
roasted whole chicken
fried ham
salmon patties

now my mix of sides include

sliced sweet potatoes
baked sweet potatoes
mashed potatoes
baked potatoes
twice baked potatoes
green beans
roasted root veggies

wax beans

This will let me pick and choose, and I will probably actually assign days to each meal and post the specifics next week, but this lets me think ahead.

Have a blessed day !!

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