Thursday, November 8, 2012


I am re-reading One thousand gifts by Ann Voskamp. I started my list of gifts  back in January 2011. I am not a very good journal keeper so I do it hit and miss. I find though during the dark times, or down times when my joy is squelched it is great to have that list to bring me back to being thankful for the everyday things.

The book is a hard read, but so worth it. The list is not about being legalistic, there is no right or wrong way to record your thanksgiving (eucharisteo-the greek word for thanksgiving).  It doesn't have to be poetic or pretty, just real. I have not reached 1000 gifts on my list even though it has been almost 2 years. I am okay with this. Many times I am thankful, but don't have the paper and pen handy. I would like to reach 1000, and then continue on from there. I whisper thanks often to God, but I really want to practice the writing of thanks.

My book is small so it can fit in my purse. Just little blurbs of thanks. I have written the words below, but the words in the parentheses are the othere thoughts that come to mind when I read the italicized words.

down coat---(because it keeps me warm)
warm pretzels ---(it means I have food and electricity)
candles lit--(it makes me feel cozy and offers light and a sweet scent, thankful I can smell)

Do you see how little things have so much meaning?  There have been others like my children laughing, tear stained cheeks. All things that I can give thanks for, and in giving thanks I receive joy!

This is a book you read, then read again. You mark up the pages as you understand that we receive grace (charis) from God, when we give thanksgiving (eucharisteo) we are filled with joy (chara).

Giving thanks is biblical:

1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

How many times have you thought "I don't know what God's will is for my life.", or heard someone say that.  The scripture above clearly states that thanksgiving is God's will for us. You see in thanksgiving we create a communion with God because he is always on our mind. We are thanking him constantly for everything. When we commune with God we are much more intune with what God is saying to us through scripture, circumstances, and prayer time. So when you are uncertain about where you stand, or what you are to do next, try giving thanks. Being thankful in the small mundane things, makes up that much more thankful for the things we see as big. 

Have a blessed and thanksgiving filled day!

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