Friday, October 30, 2009

The house is quiet....

Today is Rebecca's fall break, and Jon was going to take the day off, but couldn't because of some tests scheduled today, so the family plans got dashed. However, my in-laws came down yesterday and we took them out to dinner and while at dinner Rebecca decides she wants to go home with Grammie and HoHoPapaw, sounds fine, since the things we were going to do we can't. So I got Jon off to work and now sit in a clean, quiet house, and thinking of all the possibilities. I have Bible study today, but staying home is tempting as I rarely get time all to myself, and there would be no guilty feelings for doing something for myself because everything is basically done. I mean seriously, there is always something that can be done around the house, but there are no huge piles, or messes or anything. The house has been dusted and vacuumed, the bathroom is clean, the beds are made (well mine will be soon, I thought I might want to get back in it.)I could make cards, work on Christmas stuff, read, play on the computer, watch movies, sleep all day. just enjoy the time. sigh.....

I needed this.

And just so this post is complete, here is a photo of me and the kidlings last week before Rebecca's parent teacher conference...we arrived a little early so we were hanging out in the car...

Have a blessed day!

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