Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soccer and a new door

So my girl has had 2 practices, we are going to miss her practice on Wednesday because she has Bible quizzing and Kids Klub, but here are some shots of her first soccer practice.

I know the quality is lousy and I was far away, but that is what happens when you are trying to keep your 5 yr old from killing himself climbing this caterpillar type climbing thing in flip flops...sigh

Ryan's coach still has not called. I will be calling the head of the soccer stuff again today because of that. With my luck his first practice will be Wednesday and we will have to miss Kids Klub sigh...here's hoping she gets on the ball soon.

In other news at our home, do you know what happens when your children repeatedly run their bikes, and scooters into your little garage door...even tho they've been told to not do this...

At our house you get a new door, frame and all because some little boy who will remain nameless hit the door and shattered the door frame! shattered! Couldn't even move the door after it happened kind of shattered. This all happened right after said boy was told to leave the door open so he would not bust the door frame which they had already cracked from the constant use of the door to stop them.

On the upside, it happened on a day we were home so Jon and his dad could fix it, however it blew our day of doing anything fun! Altho, i get to pick out a paint color for the door and paint it because it is only primed. YAY I love to paint! It looks so strange out there tho. There lives have been threatened should they decided to run into this door. ha! They did get a firm lecture on consequences of running into this door. There will be much crying on their part the first time they do it.

Ryan did say he thought we should paint flowers and butterflies on the door to make it pretty...that was kind of cute!

Hope you had a fun uneventful labor day.

have a blessed day

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